Consulting Services

Field Sales

Field Sales

Xscale helps unlock your Company’s growth potential with our specialized Field Sales consulting services, tailored to address the unique challenges emerging businesses face. We provide comprehensive solutions for common field sales hurdles paced by the company, including:

Designing Team Structure:
We clearly define role of each team member in the sales cycle. Develop a competitive compensation plan that motivates the sales team. Align incentives with performance metrics and business goals.

Territory Management:
Xscale implements efficient territory management techniques to streamline operations, optimize coverage, and boost the overall productivity of your field sales team.

Creating Value Proposition and Sales collaterals:
We analyze your target audience to define positioning and use cases and help create compelling messaging and sales collaterals that resonate with your potential customers.

Lead Generation, Qualification, and Funnel Conversion:
We define field sales processes to generate high-quality leads, qualify them, and guide them through the sales funnel to maximize conversion rates. Evaluate conversion rates at each stage to optimize performance.

Coaching for Effective Customer Engagement:
Our team provides specialized training and coaching to equip your field sales representatives with the skills and techniques they need to effectively engage customers, build lasting relationships, and drive sales growth.


Value Selling and Competitive Differentiation:
We uses Value Selling methodology and analytics to gain a competitive edge, differentiate your company’s offerings, and win you your potential customers.

Negotiation and Deal Coaching:
We train and coach the sales team to drive the deal cycle and master negotiations, aiming for better win rates, higher deal values, and faster closure to maximize revenue and margins.