Your Strategic Chief Growth Officer


We’re your strategic growth partners, leveraging expertise and technology to accelerate B2B growth. We provide tailored services, craft Go-to-Market strategies, deploy GTM technology stack, define KRAs, and build complete sales and marketing machinery from scratch in record  time and optimized cost.
We offer the flexibility to start anywhere and engage with a risk-reward model. Additionally, we support in raising capital, empowering your company to drive uninterrupted growth.

GTM Planning

Identify right target market segment, pricing & positioning.

Referral Sales

Acquire early customers through referral sales leveraging Xmultiplier network.

Demand Generation

Develop comprehensive Demand Generation plan with execution details.

Customised Sales Engine

Identify Sales Channels, build complete Sales Engine and drive execution.

Sales Technology Architecture

Build and deploy Technology Architecture to automate entire DG and sales cycle.

Global Expansion

Driving Global Expansion by supporting DG, incorporation , local compliance etc.


Xcalibur is our full stack Sales Technology Platform for B2B Companies which provides a layer of integrations, data flows, and decision support algorithms on top of best-in-class tools. Our platform integrates a range of tools to offer a seamless experience to users, significantly saving time for Sales Teams.

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Our advanced product pricing software is a robust SaaS solution designed to revolutionize the way businesses manage their pricing strategies. Packed with cutting-edge features, our software offers unparalleled flexibility, accuracy, and insight into pricing decisions, empowering businesses to drive revenue growth and maximize profitability.

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Founder of Doqfy

“Before Xscale, our sales at Doqfy were founder-driven with no clear market segmentation or sales plan. Xscale helped us conduct market research, identify key segments, and develop a detailed sales playbook. They also implemented CRM and telecalling tools, improving our sales team’s performance and refining our customer approach. We’re thrilled to be part of the Xscale portfolio and grateful for their support.

Co-founder and CTO of SecureWave Research Labs

“While SecureWave possessed strong technical expertise, we lacked experience in customer outreach and go-to-market strategies. Xscale’s guidance was instrumental in overcoming these challenges, refining our product features, establishing a go-to-market strategy, and building our sales engine. Their support, along with our technical expertise, puts us in a strong position to make a major impact in the cybersecurity world.”

Ankit Mittal
Founder of Wicked Technologies

“We partnered with Xscale in early 2021, seeking assistance in refining our business model, developing a robust sales strategy, and overcoming fundraising challenges. Their invaluable mentorship and connections within the investor community have significantly propelled our growth.”

Neeraj Saxena

Partner - GTM Strategy & Sales

Sandeep Nagpal

Advisor - Branding & Marketing

Ashwani Agarwal

Partner - Sales Technology

Anshul Saxena

Partner - Business Growth

Sushant Sharma

Associate Partner - SEA GTM, Singapore

Abhishek Vatsa

Associate Partner - Product Marketing, Canada

Gaurav Malhotra

Associate Partner - Finance & Compliance

Watch our CEO, Neeraj and the investor community engage in a panel discussion on the evolving landscape of enterprise SaaS startup investments and future trends.

Watch as the investor community answers questions from founders about securing funding for innovative defence startups in India’s growing market.

Watch our founder, Neeraj explains how Xscale assists portfolio companies in developing and implementing a fully customized B2B SaaS sales engine from start to finish.